If you are struggling and need support, our Community Support team is available for first line emotional support, or to signpost to further psychological support, from Monday - Friday (9am - 5pm). If you need help urgently or in a crisis please refer to the helpline numbers below:

To get in touch with our Community Support team, please contact us on 01344 771961 (option 1) or via email at [email protected]. Outside of our usual hours you can email or leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Thank you for your call this morning - I appreciate how busy you are and feel very supported by you.

DEBRA member

Long-term health conditions can often affect people's mental health and lead to periods of psychological distress. Our team have training in listening skills and mental health first aid; we can act as a listening ear whilst also providing information and guidance and practical help with another issue, such as:

A little help in one area, sharing your worries and knowing you have some support can help to reduce the levels of stress and anxiety and improve your overall wellbeing. If you are worried about debt and how it is impacting your mental health, Money Saving Expert has some great information for Help, info, guidance and support for individuals and carers.

Thank you very much for your time this morning. It was like a breath of fresh air.

DEBRA member

Thank you for your help and support.  I am really grateful to you.

DEBRA member


Support in times of crisis

If you require immediate attention:

Text SHOUT to 85258 to access a free, 24/7 support service 
Call Samaritans on 116 123 24/7 if you need to talk


Country-specific support

England - NHS: Every mind matters; you can also refer yourself for NHS counselling services
ScotlandBreathing Space
Wales - Public Health Wales
Northern Ireland NI Direct


Additional support resources

Togetherall - mental health service & online community, free to DEBRA members.
Mind - mental health charity
Anxiety UK - charity for those affected by anxiety, stress and anxiety based depression
Kooth - support for young people (and referrals to counselling)
Stop Hate UK - working to challenge all forms of hate crime and discrimination
Tell Mama - supports victims of anti-Muslim hate and works to tackle Islamophobia.

Some people may find it useful reaching out to their GP or directly to their school for support.