Our Community Support team works with the EB community and healthcare professionals to improve quality of life for people living with EB. We also help the wider EB community with information, guidance and advocacy for families and carers too.

We are committed to supporting people and families living in the UK who are affected by EB. Becoming a member is free and makes it easier to access our services.

This map shows which Community Support Manager usually covers each region, however we are a national team and support each other to combine expertise and manage workload effectively. The Team Leaders check the [email protected] inbox for messages regularly and will allocate each referral or request received to one of the appropriate Community Support Managers available.

If you would like more information about the support we can provide, you can download or order our member services and community support information leaflet.

Our Community Support Team are only a call away Monday-Friday 9am –5pm, you can find their details below. Outside of these hours you can email or leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible (normally the next working day).

If you don't have a Community Support Manager or are not sure who it is, please contact us on 01344 771961 and select option 1, or email [email protected]. We will be happy to help.

You can also find out more about the services we provide and how we work with the NHS.

Click below to go straight to the relevant team member.


Shamaila Zaidi

Head of Community Support Team

Area of special expertise - support grants, personal budgets & direct payments, carers’ assessments, mental health first aid

Shamaila Zaidi National Manager

My journey at DEBRA began in November 2019 as a Community Support Area Manager, I was then appointed as the Deputy Team Leader and in September 2022, I was successful as the National Manager to the Community Support Team.

My role involves, working closely with the Director of Member Services to assist in further development of the national EB community support service and to support the Community Support Team to deliver a high standard of services to people whose lives are affected by the genetic skin condition Epidermolysis Bullosa, EB.

I am responsible for developing framework and processes to support the team to actively engage with members associated to their own geographical areas. I also work very closely with the Specialist EB healthcare Teams in Birmingham, London and Scotland.

I am the safeguarding lead for the directorate and a mental health first aider for the organisation.

I have previously worked for various councils and charities developing and managing services for people with disabilities and integrating them into mainstream services.

When I am not working:

I enjoy travelling. I like to keep fit and enjoy going to the gym and for a run. I have two very young children that keep me mentally and physically active.

Phone: 07747 474454
Email: [email protected]


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David Williams

Community Support Team Leader (link to GOSH & GSTT)

David Williams Community Support Lead

I have worked primarily in children’s homes and was an Ofsted registered manager for many years caring for and supporting children and young adults who needed to live away from their families. I have always maintained a personal and professional agenda to drive up standards of care. I have worked in and managed diverse teams with equality and inclusion at the core of my practice and am used to being part of multi-disciplinary teams to attain the best possible outcomes.

I managed residential homes for young adults with mental health issues, behavioural difficulties also supporting people with complex health needs, multiple diagnosis and people with disability and mobility issues. I have empowered people to access and sustain education and employment promote their independence and personal development to become comfortable with greater social inclusion. I have a keen interest in staff mentoring, training and development. I have been fortunate in attaining a team leader role within the community support team joining Debra in September 2022

Working for DEBRA I hope to bring my knowledge and experience to the organisation. I intend to strive to raise awareness of EB and wherever and whenever possible to improve the quality of life of DEBRA members. I am developing my specialist area within DEBRA community support team with a focus on discrimination in the workplace to be able help members gain and maintain appropriate employment and make a meaningful contribution to society.

When I am not working:

My children have all grown up and I now have grandchildren to love and support too. My interests are Rugby, sci-fi and l am actively involved in local politics.

Phone: 01344 771961 (option 1)
Email: [email protected]


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Rachael Meeks

Community Support Team Leader (link to BWCH & Solihull)

Rachael Meeks smilingI joined DEBRA in April 2023. I have a varied and extensive background in Health and Social care. Before joining DEBRA, I worked in the Clinical Research sector, specialising in delivery of clinical trials within the home. Prior to this, I managed a home care agency – supporting individuals within the community. I have also worked for several NHS Trusts over the years and studied Social & Community Development at University.

I am passionate about making a difference and I’m especially excited to put this into practise whilst working at DEBRA.

When I am not working:

I have an 8 year old son and a Labradoodle, who love to keep me busy! When we’re not out on long walks or playing/watching football, I can often be found daydreaming about my next holiday!


Phone: 07442 559445

Email: [email protected]


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Amelia Goddard

Community Support Area Manager

Area of special expertise - bereavement support

Picture of Amelia Goddard

I have worked at DEBRA since 2019, my background includes childcare and varied family support roles in both charity and local authority settings.  

I have utilised my skills in bereavement work to help write the bereavement section on our website. I enjoy my role here at DEBRA, working with members and sharing the specialisms we have across the team to ensure they are supported to the best of our abilities. I am very passionate about raising awareness of EB.

What I learn each day is the strength that our members have – how they overcome the challenges they face in daily life. I find it a complete privilege to be allowed to witness this.

When I am not working:

I enjoy spending time with friends and family, visiting theatres and music events and winding down in my garden.

Phone: 07920 231271
Email: [email protected]


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Holly Roberts

Community Support Area Manager

Area of special expertise – education and emotional support.

Holly Roberts Community Support ManagerI joined DEBRA in June 2022, previously to this I have worked with children in a variety of roles, within the NHS, Charity and Private Sector. Most recently I have worked as a nanny but missed working supportively with families which this role offers.

My background knowledge gives me a good understanding of supporting children and families within education, and I am also passionate about giving people the space and listening ear they need to offload when life gets hard. I have undertaken a number of listening skills courses and put these into practice through my previous job roles and look forward to being able to use these skills again.

I had an awareness about EB prior to this role due to a family member having EB, but my knowledge about EB has continued to grow in my short time with DEBRA. I look forward to continuing my learning journey and supporting the people that I work with to the best of my ability.

When I am not working:

In my spare time I like to get out and walk my dog, get to the gym or binge watch a new TV series.

Phone: 07884 742439
Email: [email protected]


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Rowena Hamilton

Community Support Area Manager

Area of special expertise – housing

Rowena Hamilton - EB Community Support ManagerI started working for DEBRA in June 2018. Prior to working for DEBRA I had a 25-year career in social care, I have worked in a variety of different sectors including working with children, adults, the homeless, housing, domestic violence, vulnerable women and families.

My career and knowledge enables me to assist members in many ways, including how to access the correct help within the housing sector.

I have had the pleasure of supporting our members and healthcare teams over the past four years and I am very passionate about the quality of service we provide.

When I am not working:

I am a very sociable person and love spending time with my family and friends, I enjoy keeping fit and going to the gym, running and walking. I am known for taking on new challenges and in 2018 I trekked 150km across the Sahara Desert in aid of DEBRA.

Phone: 07747 474051
Email: [email protected]


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Sue Muller

Community Support Area Manager

Area of Expertise – Housing and Benefits

Susan muller community support area managerI began working with DEBRA in July 2022. I had previously spent 17 years working in social care, specifically 16-25 year olds moving from Local Authority care to independence. I was a specialist Housing Advisor for this age group so have vast experience of housing legislation/complex needs/mental health support/people accessing benefits for 1st time/homelessness/tenancy support.

I hope to be able to support our members with housing support/access to benefits. Since joining DEBRA I have loved meeting members and staff members from the EB Healthcare teams.

When I am not working:

Listening to live music is a passion of mine so you will find me rocking out at a concert or festival whenever I get the chance.  I attend fitness classes mainly so I can keep mobile and it supports my wellbeing. My children have grown up but we spend a lot of time together and that brings me a lot of joy.  I also enjoy the beach or being near water even if it's just for a walk.

Phone: 07570 313477
Email: [email protected]


Jade Adams

Community Support Area Manager

I started at DEBRA in July 2021 in the Fundraising and Events team as a Supporter Services Officer, where I supported the running of golf days and major events in England. I have now made an exciting move to the Community Support Team as a Community Support Area Manager. My background includes a degree in psychology and my employment history saw me work in elderly residential and dementia care homes as a care assistant and activities coordinator. I enjoy person centered roles and I am passionate about supporting the EB community and raising awareness.

I strive to use my skills to empower and support members with challenges they may face, as well as being a listening ear if needed. I look forward to developing positive relationships with the EB community and providing an excellent community support service.

When I am not working:

I am a big animal lover and enjoy spending time walking my dogs, riding and caring for my two horses, and looking after a menagerie of exotic pets!  I have quite the sweet tooth and love to make baked goods for friends and family.

Phone: 07919 000330
Email: [email protected]


Erin Reilly

Community Support Area Manager

Erin Reilly, Community Support Manager

I joined DEBRA in April 2024 and come from a background of working with adults with disabilities for 10 years, firstly as a support worker and then with a specialist social work team. I hope to bring my experience of working with clients with a wide variety of support needs and understanding of the social and health care systems to DEBRA members in Scotland.

I’m passionate about providing both practical and emotional support, as well as working in partnership with other professionals to meet our members needs in any way we can.

When I am not working:

I have just bought my first fixer upper home so am spending a lot of time DIYing when I’m not working and planning the next project in the journey. I also have a 6 year old greyhound I adopted a year ago who keeps me busy with his antics- I especially love taking him for walks in scenic spots with friends and family at the weekend.

Phone: 07586 716976

Email: [email protected]


Gemma Turner

Community Support Area Manager - North East England

Gemma Turner - CST ManagerI started at DEBRA in July 2024. I had previously spent around 18 years (most of my working career) in education for children. However, my most recent position before joining DEBRA, was working for a service who support children and families with SEND. 

I aim to bring my knowledge on SEND and my experience and passion to our members. I want to support families through their own personal journeys and advocate for you and your support needs.

When I am not working:

When I am not working, I like to spend time with my 2 children, book and go on sunny vacations and watch documentaries.

Phone: 07825072211

Email: [email protected]


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