• DEBRA UK non-clinical PhD studentship call for UK and international applications is open on 1 February 2025 with a deadline of 31 March 2025.

Non-clinical DEBRA UK PhD studentships of up to £140,000 for four years (including consumables for the first 3.5 years only to allow a six month period for students to complete the write up of their thesis) will be available to UK researchers through our research calls. Funding will be judged on relevance to EB, scientific merit and novelty. Applicants must demonstrate the potential benefit to EB patients in the research proposal. Only one application per grant call will be considered from each principal investigator.

2023 success rate: 67%

2024 success rate: TBA%

Download our application form to apply for non-clinical PhD studentship funding directly from DEBRA UK.


PhD grant awards for 3-year projects to develop UK clinicians into EB researchers. The criteria will be the same as for project grants with the addition of quality of research environment and training for students. 

Application is through the MRC Website, where you can also find guidance on the application process. If you wish to discuss your proposed research area in advance of submission, please contact  Dr Sagair Hussain, Director of Research.